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Via Rosina, 4/6r - 50123 - Firenze (FI)

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INFORMATION pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (Privacy Code)

Ownership and types of data - OSTERIA PEPÓ SRL - 07267040488
VIA ROSINA 4-6/R - 50123 - FLORENCE as Data Controller of Your data, pursuant to Art. 13 of the Privacy Code, informs you about the use of personal data entered by you in this form.

Purposes of use - The aforementioned data will be used for purposes connected and instrumental to the activities of OSTERIA PEPÓ SRL and therefore: 1 To respond to your request (e.g., provide you with further information, the OSTERIA PEPÓ SRL newsletter, catalog). 2. With your free consent, which you can express by completing the attached form, the aforementioned data and those that may be collected during our contractual relationship may also be processed for the following purposes: a. Promotional purposes, including commercial communication or sending of advertising material, or direct sales activities, market research with traditional contact methods - via mail or telephone - or automated - such as SMS, fax, email, or automated phone calls; you may at any time also withdraw the consent previously given, even partially, for example consenting to only traditional contact methods. b. Profiling purposes, such as identifying purchasing habits and tendencies, based on the information obtained through questionnaire completion to improve the service provided, meet your needs with advantageous promotions, propose new services and products. For the purposes of point II.2, your consent is optional, it can be given separately for each type of processing; following any refusal or revocation of one or more of the aforementioned consents, OSTERIA PEPÓ SRL will process your data only for the remaining purposes not denied, together with the purposes indicated in the previous point II.1.

Methods of use and storage - Your data is used not only by electronic means but also by paper means. The data is kept for a period of time not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and subsequently processed.

Scope of data circulation a. The data may be used by OSTERIA PEPÓ SRL personnel who have been assigned a specific role as either the data controller or processor and who have been given appropriate operational instructions, as well as by third-party companies that perform instrumental activities on behalf of OSTERIA PEPÓ SRL. These latter act as external data processors under the direction and control of OSTERIA PEPÓ SRL.

Transfer of data abroad and dissemination - Your data may be transferred abroad and processed by subjects falling within the categories mentioned in point IV. above, located within the European Union for the purposes described in point II. "Purposes of use" above. Your personal data are not subject to dissemination to unspecified recipients.

Rights - With regard to the processing of your personal data, you have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of the same data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or rectification; furthermore, you have the right to request the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, their processing. Requests, also to obtain the updated list of Data Processors, should be addressed to the Privacy Officer of OSTERIA PEPÓ SRL - via email, at the following address: info@pepo.it

Cookie policy
Our cookie policy

This policy aims to explain how this website uses cookies in order to provide clear and relevant information to enable users to make their choices for controlling what happens when they access the site. The policy uses the term 'cookie' to refer to cookies and similar technologies covered by the law (such as Local Shared Objects - commonly referred to as "flash cookies", web beacons or bugs, including transparent clear gifs).

The information collected concerns data that could allow the identification of users/visitors through association and processing with data held by third parties (such as IP address numbers, domain names of computers used by people connecting to the website). This data is used only for statistical purposes.

This document is an integral and substantial part of the Privacy Policy and the information contained therein also released pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Therefore, it is recommended to read this document.

Applicable law
The matter is regulated by European Directive 2002/58/EC - subsequently amended by Directive 2009/136/EC and transposed into the national laws of the Member States of the European Union - which requires informing the user and obtaining consent for the use of cookies and similar technologies.

What is a cookie
A cookie is a small text file, typically consisting of letters and numbers, downloaded to the user's device when they access the website. The cookies are then sent back to the originating site on each subsequent visit.

This information may concern the user, their preferences, or the device used to access the site (computer, tablet, or mobile), and is mainly used to adapt the operation of the site to the user's expectations or to collect data for statistical purposes.

The use of cookies and similar technologies has long been an ordinary factor as cookies are important in providing many online services. The use of these technologies is therefore not prohibited by law but requires that the user be informed about cookies and be offered the opportunity to accept or refuse them.

Cookies of different types
Cookies are classified in various ways according to the profile considered. With regard to the duration of the cookies, they are distinguished between session and persistent cookies.

Session cookies
Cookies can expire at the end of a browser session (i.e., from when a user opens the browser window until they exit the browser); they allow websites to link a user's actions during a browser session. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as remembering what a user has put in their cart while browsing a site. They may also be used for security when a user accesses internet banking or to facilitate the use of webmail. These session cookies expire after a browser session.

The use of so-called session cookies (which, in any case, are not stored persistently on the user's computer and are automatically deleted when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the purpose of transmitting data (constituted by random numbers generated by the server) that identify the specific session and are necessary to allow safe and efficient browsing. The so-called session cookies used on this site avoid the use of other potentially prejudicial computer techniques for the confidentiality of users' network browsing.

Persistent cookies
Cookies can be stored longer than a session; they are stored on users' devices between different browser sessions and allow the user's actions on a site to be remembered. Persistent cookies can be used for a variety of purposes, including remembering user preferences and choices when using a site (or sometimes across different websites).

"First" and "third-party" cookies
With reference to the party that sets the cookie, a distinction is made between first-party or third-party cookies. Whether a cookie is "first" or "third-party" is strictly related to the website or domain that uses that particular cookie. "First-party" cookies, essentially, are cookies set by the same website visited by the user - that is, the site displayed in the URL window: in our case, cookies set by this site's Owner. "Third-party" cookies are cookies set by a domain different from the one visited by the user: in other words, cookies set by websites other than this site's Owner. If a user visits a website (such as this one) and a third-party company sets a cookie through this site, this specific cookie is a "third-party" cookie.

Technical cookies
Technical cookies are necessary for communication over the electronic network and are normally installed directly by the Owner or operator of the website; they serve for the proper functioning of the site or to improve the service provided to the user. For the installation of such cookies, the prior consent of users is not required, while the obligation to inform users about their presence remains.

Profiling cookies
Profiling cookies are aimed at creating profiles relating to the user and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user during web browsing. For profiling cookies, it is necessary for the user to be informed of their presence and to consent to their use.

Regarding this site, we use cookies that allow us to know how visitors use the site, in order to evaluate and improve its operation; your personal data will not be accessible to us, except in anonymous and aggregated form. To this end, we use Google Analytics cookies.

Cookies for advertising targeting
These cookies come from third-party services and allow advertising agencies to be informed about the user's visit to our site, thus enabling them to display advertising messages based on the user's interests. Similarly, these cookies allow us to connect to social networks, which may also use information about the user's visit to our site to display advertising messages.

Ownership of processing
OSTERIA PEPÓ SRL, as identified in the Privacy Policy, is the Data Controller for - and is responsible for - only its own cookies, i.e., "first-party" cookies; otherwise, "third-party" cookies fall under the ownership of the respective companies.

Consent for cookies
This site implements various techniques for collecting user consent: one method is the selection of the specific box shown below, which indicates the use of cookies.

Browser settings represent another means for giving or, conversely, refusing consent for cookies; users can set their browser to be notified of the presence of cookies, allowing them to decide whether to accept cookies or not. It is also possible to automatically reject all cookies by activating the appropriate option in the browser.

Each browser provides instructions for this purpose. If you wish to disable the use of cookies, you can change your browser settings to block them. For detailed information on the appropriate procedure, you should consult your browser's guide. Please note that, if all cookies are disabled, the use of the site and the services offered may be compromised in whole or in part.

List of cookies used

Name: CookieLaw
Type: Technical
Expiration: 1 year
Primary use: Cookie policy

Name: Prof
Type: Technical
Expiration: 1 year
Primary use: Cookie policy

Name: _ga
Type: Profiling (third-party)
Expiration: 2 years
Primary use: Google Analytics

Name: _gat
Type: Profiling (third-party)
Expiration: 10 minutes
Primary use: Google Analytics

Google profiling cookies are active

Further information on cookies
For further information on cookies installed through this Site, you can contact the following email address: info@pepo.it

Policy update
The possible entry into force of new sector regulations, as well as the constant examination and updating of user services, may require changes in the methods of processing personal data. Therefore, it is possible that this policy may undergo changes over time, so users are advised to periodically consult this page. For this purpose, the policy document highlights the date of update.